We Care
Kinesiology treatment offers various physical and psychological aliments that we experience in our life at any age. This may include: pain conditions, digestive issues, food allergy/sensitivity, menstrual problem, stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, insomnia, trauma and so much more. Also, Kinesiology treatments are great for supporting the person who already has a chronic condition and is having conventional medical treatments. This may have a synergistic effect that maximizes the result of other treatments, so there is no interference with other medical treatments.
We also care for the whole family, especially the mother and father who have concerns about their children. Kinesiology will support you and your children's healthy growth and well being.
As a part of series of Kinesiology treatment, Yuki will use her skill and knowledge from Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Beauty therapy, such as herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and diet, homeopathic remedies, flower essences, iridology, aromatherapy, sound, crystal and colour healing.
Here below is just few list of what we can do with Kinesiology. Please feel free to ask questions via email to Yuki about our treatment options.
Are you looking for a relaxation treatment? Do you want to know what causes you stress?
Kinesiology can identify 'the stress' in your body that causes you some problem. The stress could be expressed by the body as pain, headaches, anger, frustration, anxiety, insomnia, emotional eating, etc. The stress could be anything physical or emotional such as posture, injury, past trauma (physical, or emotional), relationship, medication, supplements that disturbs the healthy energy flow around the body. By removing this stagnation or balancing the flow of energy, you may feel more relaxed and energised.
Do you have weight concern? Or issue with self-image?
As we are living in a technology dominant society, we are exposed to so many information from media; TV, magazine, internet, SNS and advertisement. We subconsciously have input this information to our belief system. Most of us feel fat when we see skinny fashion models in the media, and then find weightless supplements that make us feeling we can be like them! But the reality is we may have a phone call from a friend to go for a drink, and having pizza, chips and beer, and forget about taking supplement.
Kinesiology can balance your self image and your body weight by accessing your subconscious mind. What you believe could be a reflection of how you see yourself in the mirror.
We also focus on finding any blockages; why you can not lose weight, and what we can do for it.
Chakra is the energy centre in the body. The Sanskrit word, Chakra is translated to 'wheel' or 'disk". It is invisible, but shaped like wheel, spinning vortex energy. There are 7 main Chakras along the spine; starting from the base of spine through to the crown of head. It is attached to the spine and closely related to the function of organs, glands and body parts associated with each Chakras.
Chakra also contains information from Aura (subtle energetic field surrounded human body) that shows the past trauma.
For instance, someone who has a digestive issue may need balance for Solor plexus chakra where located middle of our body, area of digestive organs. And this person may experiencing the symptoms get worse before exams or presentation when they feel anxious and stress. Beacuse this Chakra psychologically represents personal power, confidence and passion. So this person may had bad experience at exam /presentation in the past.
Kinesiology can identify which Chakra needs to be treated and its relation to each part of your body. And treatment will be using Crystals, sound, flower essence, essential oils, affirmation, visualization and/or colours.
If you feel you are not connected to your body and emotion, having unrealistic thoughts, obsessive behavior or having unsolved issue from past, then it is time to look after your Chakras.
Eating disorders are a psychiatric illness that affects and harms people physically, psychologically and socially.
Unlike other addictions (drug, alcohol and smoking), eating disorder is hard to treat, because food is essential to nourish our body to function properly. Also, food is available for everyone 24/7 everywhere.
The main treatment for eating disorder is medication, counselling/psychotherapy and nutrition.
Kinesiology treatment will gently open up the body and mind to shift for recovery.
When the body and mind are ready to change, we will offer you counselling/psychotherapies for your habitual change and goal setting, and then nutritional treatments to re-construct the body.
Through my own recovery journey, I have learned that true recovery is possible and I believe that everyone can recover from an eating disorder too. All treatments will be tailored individually by asking your body (unconscious mind) what you need for your recovery journey.
Our Kinesiology treatments will unlock your body’s healing potential.